I doubt Elliot could have cared less, but he did love his Pumpkin flash light, that he was so proud of, that he showed it off to anyone who would look at him in Carl's Jr. We went trick or treating in my old neighborhood with Bailey, Becky and Grandma Sue, and even took pictures on the front lawn like my mom always made my sister and I do. I think Elliot was the luckiest of all being pushed around the neighborhood in his car.
My top 5 favorite halloween candy list
5. Mike and Ikes
4. Charms lollipops
3. Laffy taffy
2. Almond Joy
1. The Giant king size kit kat bars one house was giving out
Mickey and Minnie in the front yard

Come on Mom. I'm ready to go!
Mickey and his buddy Alice in Wonderland
Dracula-toothed Bailey, with her sweet loot!
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