Friday, October 29, 2010

Let the Halloween Festivities Begin


Sometimes I think I love it even more than Christmas. I love the candy and the dressing up and the parties. So today was the beginning of a weekend of halloween. Alex's birthday is next week, so how lucky are we that he has a built in theme to his birthday. I LOVE IT!!! So today was Elliot's school halloween party. So I dropped him off equipped with my camera. And I had to feed Alex so that we could go do errands, which was a great opportunity for me to watch Elliot in action and get a few pictures.

What did I observe?
Elliot's best friend, Jake dressed as Spiderman, run over to hug him.
Elliot being a fierce dinosaur to scare/impress his favorite girl, Aneesa.
Elliot tell his teacher, Miss Heather that he had boogers in his nose.
Miss Heather line up 6 kids to go to the bathroom to get Elliot tissue, to wipe his boogers.
Elliot in violin class, with his teacher Mr. Espinosa.

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inkyblog said...

totally cute - i love those pics, you need to take your camera every time :)

we had so much fun yesterday, i hope you have some pics to share from the party xoxx