Part of the life of a two year old. And that life is getting rough at times. If we are not out all day, we are definitely gauranteed at least a couple of melt downs and tantrums. And even if we are out, it doesn't gaurantee a day without a tantrum. Our days are full of fun. We read books at the library, go on the slide at the park, if Elliot isn't too scared that day, and we ride on the train so we can see the dinosaurs everytime we go to Disneyland, which is usually once a week. Elliot can be so animated and happy. He sings and dances and loves to talk. Boy, does he love to talk . But lately, if he doesn't get what he wants when he wants it, he screams, and then when he gets in trouble and is told to calm down and stop freaking out, he screams and cries even louder. The tantrums seem to have started on Friday (not the thirteenth) the 20th, because he wasn't allowed to take his shoes and socks off at the park. I normally pick my battles pretty well, but not letting him take his shoes off was a battle I should have never taken on. In the end he was in his carseat hysterical, with the air conditioning on and I was sitting on a park bench a few feet away from the car.
In the pictures below, the one of him coming off the slide was about two minutes before the meltdown began. Fortunately I had my wonderful friend Carol with me to give me her very understanding support. She has been through it also.
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