Elliot and Lee got to have a boys day out together, and I got a free day with my lovely friend Carol. Before I picked Carol up I managed to get some grocery shopping done. That was a must, since we were out of garbage bags. And a house cannot run without garbage bags. Needless to say, the checker pissed me off. I swear, when my hormones are crazy, the last place I want to be is at the grocery store. It always puts me in a bad mood.
With Carol, we hit Winco, where I managed to spend less than $4, on yummy red and black gum drops, a couple other varietys of candy and dino-snacks for Elliot. We saw a beautiful ranch style house that Carol might just buy one day, and had the best lunch in a long time at Chili's, where we did not have baby back ribs. We had chips and queso dip, and shared some tasty sliders with onion strings and french fries. We left completely stuffed. But still followed that with a trip to Suzy's Cupcakes. We ended our day at the Costa Mesa thrift store, where Carol resisted buying the gorgeous, Cream Colored lacy skirt and top. But we did decide we must have a thrift store outfit party. And I am not allowed to wear either of the two sweatshirts that I got for $2.50 each. I must wear something a little more fancy and stylish. There is plenty to choose from at the Savation Army Goodwill on Harbor Blvd.
Now I get to finish doing the puked on laundry, from Elliot's episode of gagging up all the extra phlegm, that was causing him a very frantic cough. Yuck, yuck, yuck. I wish this cold would go away. But I am extremely thankful that I have stayed healthy.
***Note to self and anyone else listening, don't forget to change your clock tonight.