Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Still sick, with a really bad cough.

I don't think I have ever heard Elliot with such a bad cough. It makes me very sad. It has definitely been a television down day, but somehow every so often Elliot gets these bursts of energy, which launch him into crawling around the house acting as if he is some obscure animal, or just terrorizing whatever I am doing.

As for me, I am still hooked on finding just the right digital scrapbooking kits for little boys, who like trains, dinosaurs, animals, playing on slides (sometimes) and running around outside. There is still one kit I haven't been able to find- a digital Disney theme kit. I really need one. I am also hooked on breakfast burritos. I seem to eat at least one a day, and today, that is what I had for breakfast and dinner. Gotta love all of that spicy protein.

A Peanut Butter Sandwich is so much better in the shape of a T-Rex, but this one was too sticky. Arrrrggggghhh...

Wow, he even looks sick.

But this is him 5 minutes later, acting like he is a snake under the table.

Playing on his laptop, while I was on mine.


inkyblog said...

isn't seeing them sick the worst? have you tried delsym for the cough? it is both my boys' favorite and it lasts 12 hours.

if you love breakfast burritos you MUST try john's place's! it's the only one i like. you can get it with just hashbrowns, eggs and salsa or with meat too. we could get one before shopping on saturday if you like :)

Steph Bailiff said...

I love your new header and your picks (the dino sandwich) --- so cute!!! I'm trying to subscribe....

Vanessa M said...

aaah, poor E! gosh, i hope he gets well soon. the cold that's going around is really a beast!