Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Excitement on our Street Today...

So some teenage dude assaulted another teenager on the Main Street around the corner from us and stole his ipod(or something like that)and then ran up our street from the cops. Apparently he lives on our street about a block south of us. Anyway the police were on a manhunt around our house for a couple of hours during Elliot's nap, with a helicopter and all. It seemed like a bit of overkill over somebody stealing an ipod, but the more I think about it, it wasn't just an ipod, he assaulted somebody. So I feel safer knowing the cops were all over our street and not going anywhere until they caught the asshat. And catch him, they did. In the bushes at our next door neighbors. The whole time they had him out by the police cars he was crying. Seriously, if you are going to do the crime, you better be ready to do the time. Oh man, I sound like an old lady. And I thought we lived in a nice neighborhood. Well, we will be moving soon, anyway.

All I was worried about was getting a couple photos. And irritated that
I shouldn't go outside to take them. So they are all from inside.

The worst part for me, is that I had a delivery coming via UPS, but I don't think he made deliveries on our street today. Oh well, I should get it tomorrow.

The helicopter above our neighbors house

The cop cars in front of our house





inkyblog said...

ohhh how exciting - but scary too... this happened at our first house - they shot the man trying to escape DEAD in one of the neighbor's yards - though i do believe he had stolen more than an ipod (i would hope....) it was on the news and everything. scary stuff!!

Scott said...

I would sleep better at night knowing that many cops showed up just for an ipod... :-)