Monday, January 25, 2010


Why a quick diaper change isn't so quick.
Lay baby down to change him and Elliot shouts for me to come and see what he did. This means come and see my poop.
Go wipe Elliot's butt.
Go back to change baby's diaper. Find out there are no diapers left in the drawer, so I need to go to the garage to get some more.
Now Elliot needs help getting his underpants on.
Now I can change baby's diaper.
Change diaper. Woo, I finished. But wait, now baby spits up all over himself and me, so I need to change baby's clothes so that he isn't cold and stinky.
Don't even worry about myself, because part of my mommy uniform is the white splotches of spit up that i am constantly wiping up. I wish I had enough shirts that fit to change every time it gets a little dirty.

And no matter how hard I try to get back to my project, it still doesn't happen because now baby is fussy and wants to be held.

But none of that really matters when he looks at me and smiles like this...





If he were one of Snow White's dwarfs, he would be sleepy. Such a good baby...



inkyblog said...

awwww it all sounds sooo frustrating and familiar (wipes instead of diapers here today...) i am not fully dressed without a splotch of 'bomit' on my shirt :) do you go hours upon hours without peeing? i swear i never get time to pee anymore.

his smile is sooooooooo cute!! i miss him xoxoxo

Krista Lund said...

hee hee! i feel your pain...but lovin it too! i have your blog bookmarked so i will be checking in often :)