Monday, October 20, 2008

I Have Been Inspired...

By my dear friend Carol at . I love and look forward to reading her blog every day. She is a fantastic write who has a wonderful way of telling her daily life stories. I can only hope that I one day have one person who looks forward to reading about me and my daily ho hum, as I am to reading about Carol's.

It has been a computer kind of day for me. I am finishing up my new website, which I am super excited about, and also editing a photo shoot I had yesterday with my beautiful friend Michele.

Here's one of my favorites from yesterday

And this is what Elliot has been up to today...
He found an old pacifier, that he probably used 10 tim
es when he was a newborn and decided he was going to be a baby today. The funniest part of it all was watching him try to figure out how to keep the paci in his mouth and take a drink at the same time.