Friday, October 24, 2008


My new favorite grocery store. I love this place and am so happy to find a grocery store that has everything I need, except Diet Coke. When Whole Foods took over my Wild Oats grocery store, I was heart broken. Prices went up and some products changed. Now a year later, I discovered Sprouts, and I love shopping again. Their fruit isn't necessarily organic, but it is locally grown and that is good for our environment, saving gas costs. They carry Cabo Chips, which are the best tortilla chips in the world. And they carry gallon sized milk that has no RBST hormone in it at an affordable price. My best deal was getting vine tomatoes for 69 cents a pound. And if you shop on Wednesdays, you get the previous weeks ad specials along with the current weeks.

Some of my other favorite products there are...
Fresh garlic naan
Alexia frozen french fries
Alexia frozen Whole grain dinner rolls
Micheal Angelo's natural frozen food dinners
As I think of my other favorite products from there, I will add to the list.


inkyblog said...

oh i LOOOOVE sprouts, yes wednesday is THE day to go! they have really cheap berries and the deli section has perfect little servings for one so you can try everything out. i could go on for a looong time about it. they have frozen naan?? i've never tried any except trader joes... must investigate the frozen section more thoroughly :) the cinnamon bagel chips are a favorite here, they last about 2 hours.

oh and i got awesome sunglasses there for $7 :)

inkyblog said...

ok i am so bad at reading... they have FRESH naan? Theresa you must think i am nuts.......... but yeah, i've never seen fresh naan either!

Artsycooper said...

No carol, you are not nuts. I knew you would figure it out. We got the fresh naan, but still haven't tried it. I made chicken tikka masala Thursday, for us to eat on Friday. But i forgot to put it away before I went to bed. So I had to dump it. Talk about somebody who is nuts. Maybe I will have it for munch tomorrow. Oh, it was in the bread section.