Elliot and I had an interesting experience meeting Santa today. I had a coupon for The Beverly Center, which is about half an hour from our house. We got a pen drive thingy with the image on it, for $25.00 and it came with a $25 gift card for Shutterfly, to print the pictures. Elliot wasn't as scared as I thought he might be, but he refused to look at Santa, and then when we were finished he burst into tears, because he thought Santa would have presents for him. He is very confused by the fact that everybody keeps telling him Santa is coming to town and going to bring him presents on Christmas. But a two year old has no concept of time, and when Christmas is. So Santa may be leaving a gift for him under the tree tomorrow morning. Anyway, the most interesting part of the experience was Santa Claus. The man was so old, I was worried he was going to keel over right there. The helpers practically had to hold him upright, and after every kid finished they had to give him a drink of his Coffee Bean coffee. So here it is. I am just glad the picture is tear free.

that Santa is such a hoot. poor old guy, he looks 120. he must be exhausted by the time he gets home, that mall is busy!
what a great deal, you really need to write a book on where you find all your super deals.
speaking of deals, ruby's 12/8 = $2.60 for the rubyburger and fries :)!!
This was only half hour after he got there. I was wondering how he would make it another hour, and also how he would hold a 5 year old on his lap. I was also worried about Elliot's cold germs, and keeping his hands clean so he didn't pass any kid germs to Santa.
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