I am so lucky to have such wonderful inlaws and Elliot is so lucky to have such fun and loving grandparents. It was a busy 3 weeks which definitely ended too soon.
Grandad helped us clean out our garage and washed every window in our house. That is a big job considering most of our windows are French windows.
We had so many fantastic meals out. We ate at Tony's in Redondo, Parker's Lighthouse in Long Beach, E.J.'s, Natraj, Pei Wei, Fuddruckers and the Cafe at Gene Autry's museum in Griffith Park. Val and I enjoyed a lovely day at Fashion Island, and we only went into two shops. Elliot went on the carousel and threw penny's into the fountain. I must never forget to put a bag of penny's in my purse before we leave the house. Lee and I got annual passes to the Long Beach Aquarium, and we also went to the Huntington Library and Gardens, Griffith Park Observatory and one of the playgrounds, And the boys went to The Los Angeles Natural History Museum to see the Dinosaur exhibit. In between there was lots of playing with trains and animals, playing in the garden and watching movies such as "The Land Before Time", and "Pooh Bear and the Heffalump." Now instead of hearing Elliot say "Grandma will you play with me" it's back to "Mommy will you play with me". So now I am learning the right way to play trains. Which tracks I am allowed on and which I am not. I figure since Elliot is bossed around all the time, he can at least be the boss, when we play with his trains.
We will carry on with our webcam chats, but look forward to the next Cooper visit hopefully before the end of the year.
At the Griffith Park Observatory

Watching the Sea Lions at The Aquarium of the Pacific