Sunday, January 18, 2009

He's Not a Baby Anymore

Crazy, how quickly time is passing. I can't believe I have finally made the jump to giving Elliot the freedom of a big boy bed, out of the crib. And oddly he had a harder time than I did. Elliot wanted to go in the crib after we tucked him in. He eventually chilled out and slept until 7:45, with only one minor disturbance. I woke up hearing him cry a little bit, and then rattling around as if he were on the move. Well, he was trying to get up on the twin bed, that is in his room, but it was covered in toys. Note, to other parents, on the first night of your child sleeping in a bed rather than a crib, make sure all toys are put away, so they don't injure themselves when they get out of bed in the dark. Anyway, he went right back into the toddler bed, and back to sleep. So it was a success, and we got rid of his high chair also. So our house is finally moving away from the very cluttered baby mode. Hooray, for less clutter. Boo for more toys than any child would ever need.