Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Another fun Playdate

Fun for the kids and fun for the mom's and grandma. There was lots of music, playing and best of all yummy treats. We had donuts from my favorite donut shop in all of Orange County and Kathleen's famous artichoke dip, along with nacho cheese and frozen pizza. Seriously, what could be better than that. Thanks for another great playdate, Deanna and Kathleen! We missed you Steph:(
We had to skip out early, unfortunately. And my question to the world today, is "why, oh why, does everything involving a two year old have to end in tears.

I got some great video but still need to get it onto my computer. I will add it soon.

Hi Mom, I got a donut!

Jonah tought Hailey how to play the violin.

Elliot had fun playing with Cash' s toys, too.
He climbed right in himself.

Hailey snuck off for some quiet time

And after a trip to the dentist and back home, I had a super yummy dinner with my friend Carol at Haus of Pizza. Ending the day with a trip to the 99 cent store, where you have 9 days to return up to 9 items, if you are not 99% satisfied. Thank you Carol for the return policy. And I only spent about $9.39. What did I buy, a plant pot and little bunny rabbit for the garden. Some salsa, after 8 mints, and cookies.

This one is kind of long, and gets shaky in parts. But I don't know how to edit video yet. I am just glad I figured out how to upload video here.