Sunday, January 11, 2009

A January Heat Wave

We had a fantastic lunch at Parker's Lighthouse in Long Beach, today to celebrate Val's, my dad's and my birthday. It was so yummy and delicious and a really nice 3 hours for us all to hang out. Unfortunately my dad wasn't there to be celebrated. We started outside, but after about 5 minutes we had to request to be taken to a table inside. Next to the glass partitions outside it felt as if it were atleast 90 degrees out, with no breeze at all. I always say we get at least one heat wave in January. My favorite weather, sunny and warm.

The Cooper's Barry, before we headed in to a new table

Ernie and Elliot
He loves to hug us for pictures
Auntie and Elliot
Theresa and Lee
Mommy and Elliot
Lee's Mum and my Mom

We ended the day, with a frantic search around the neighborhood for Romeo. Around dinnertime, we realized that he had probably spent last night outside, and didn't have much hope of actually finding him. Lee and I walked around the block, calling and waiting, and talking to the houses behind us, and when we got home, Barry was on his way out to find him. With another search around our backyard, LEe could hear a faint meowing, and with us both calling , Romeo finally appeared in a tree from the neighbors behind us. Now I remember why we don't let him outside. He really is not a very smart cat. To think he was in the yard behind us for about 20 hours and he never found his way back to our back door.