Friday, January 1, 2010


If 2009 was defined by anything it would be my friends and my new baby. I have so many great memories of time spent with so many wonderful ladies and their kids. And most of that time was while I was pregnant with (at first twins), my sweet little baby boy. We spent so much time at the beach and the parks or just playing at each others houses. And I am so grateful for everybody's love, support and understanding while I grew very large and couldn't always handle the trials that Elliot threw at me. I never knew I could get so big. We ate lots of brownies and Steph's famous black bean and cream cheese dip, along with drinking many many cases of Diet Coke. As a group the one thing we probably could not survive without is Diet Coke.

Thank you all for such a fabulous year!!! I love you.

Top 10 best things of the year

10. My Mini Mini Van. I always wanted back sliding doors.
9. Huntington Library.
8. My Disney Pass and our many trips to The Happiest Place on Earth.
7. A visit from The Cooper Grandparents.
6. Trip to Catalina.
5. OC Fair for the Duran Duran concert, and also the KC and the Sunshine Band Concert with, also pregnant Samantha. And of course the food while we were there. The chocolate covered strawberries were probably the fave for this year.
4 1/2. Vegas road trip to see the amazing Beatles Love show, and eat in yummy buffets.
4. Summer playdates of fun and photography, and great moments with Elliot.
3. Family Vacation to San Diego and Disneyland.
2. 8th Wedding Anniversary.
1. Sweet Baby Alex.

Alex Collin Cooper


inkyblog said...

awwww - so sweet, it's been the best year for playdates and sunshine and good times. and yes sliding doors are the best invention ever, aren't they??! i couldn't go back to a regular car anymore, i love your entire list