More than anything, I love that we get to wear shorts in January. I know it isn't everyday. But we always have at least one heat wave, every year in January. We are so lucky to never have to shovel snow or wear big unflattering coats, and bundle kids up like the little boy in The Christmas Story, who can't put his arms down at his side, because he has so many layers on.
Alex wearing his first shorts outfit, and it's January 5!

I hear England is having their coldest winter in over 100 years.
oh my gosh he looks sooooo big here!!! and grown up, not so newborn anymore. when does he have those essential shots? hopefully we can have more baby playdates this spring.
the weather in England sounds awful - does Lee still want to go home? i would be nuts getting around but kind of cool too
He had his 2 month vaccinations on Monday. Now I can breath a little sigh of relief knowing he has had his prevnar. He did very well, just some extra fussiness through the day. And yes we will figure out playdates. We'll be able to come see you all now and then, while you have your pretend baby.
I can't believe how much bigger he looks since the week before Christmas!! Theresa .. this is a very nice site! You take beautiful pic's I'll pass this along!
Aunt Ellen
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