Make me crazy. I feel like the mother bear who is protecting her cub. I am one of the biggest germaphobes that I know. It drives people nuts that I won't go places if it means my children may be exposed to something. But really it does no good, because we still get sick. Elliot has had colds, flus, Hand foot and mouth disease and now Roseola. This stuff sends me into a tail spin. I cannot handle the anxiety that any sign of sickness in Elliot creates in me. I then stress and worry for days about whether or not Alex will come down with the same thing. The one thing that would keep me sane is to know my children will not catch the next bug that is going around.
Now I know Roseola is the reason for this attitude. He wasn't feeling well.

Now, I hope these cutie pies don't get it since we were with them the day Elliot first got sick.

those are gorgeous T... i want to go to that place with you both next time :)
i think you're an awesome mom to try to keep E away from germs - and it sucks trying to do so. the first year with a newborn (esp winter newborn) is just so sooo hard. i hope he is feeling better xxxooo
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